Maintaining Oral Health After a Successful Root Canal

Maintaining Oral Health After a Successful Root Canal

Root canals is a term that often sends shivers down the spine of many, but they don’t have to be the stuff of nightmares. At Omni Dental Care in Brooklyn, NY, under the capable hands of Dr. Oleg Borshch and Dr. Diana Krinker, you can rest assured knowing that your oral health is in expert care. In this informative and conversational article, we’ll delve into the world of root canals, demystifying the procedure while shedding light on how it can be a savior for your teeth.

Understanding the Basics of Root Canals

A root canal is a dental procedure designed to save a tooth that’s severely damaged or infected. The process involves removing the pulp – the innermost part of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels – cleaning and disinfecting the area, and then sealing it back up. This may sound intimidating, but it’s actually a lifesaver for your tooth, allowing it to remain in your mouth and continue functioning.

When Do You Need a Root Canal?

You might be wondering, “How do I know if I need a root canal?” Well, there are some telltale signs that it might be necessary:

  • Persistent Pain: If you experience persistent, throbbing tooth pain, it could be a sign of a deep infection or damage.
  • Sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, especially when it lingers after the stimulus is removed, can be indicative of a problem.
  • Swelling and Abscess: Swelling around your gums or the appearance of a pimple-like bump on your gum can be a sign of infection.
  • Discoloration: A tooth that has become discolored, typically darkening, may be a sign of an issue with the pulp.
  • Pain When Chewing: If you feel pain while chewing or applying pressure on a particular tooth, it’s time to consult a dentist.

The Root Canal Procedure

Now that you’re aware of the signs that might indicate a need for a root canal, let’s dive into the procedure itself.

  • Diagnosis: Your dentist, Dr. Borshch or Dr. Krinker at Omni Dental Care, will first examine your tooth and take X-rays to determine the extent of the damage or infection.
  • Anesthesia: To ensure your comfort during the procedure, you’ll receive local anesthesia. This numbs the affected area and ensures you won’t feel any pain during the root canal.
  • Cleaning and Shaping: After numbing, your dentist will create a small access point to reach the pulp chamber. They’ll then carefully remove the infected or damaged pulp and clean the inside of the tooth. The next step involves shaping the space to prepare it for the filling.
  • Filling and Sealing: With the pulp removed and the space cleaned and shaped, your dentist will fill the space with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha. This material seals off the area, preventing further infection. The access point is then sealed with a filling.
  • Restoration: In most cases, a tooth that has undergone a root canal will need a crown to restore its strength and appearance. Dr. Borshch or Dr. Krinker will take impressions for a custom-made crown that will fit perfectly over your treated tooth.

Benefits of Root Canals

Root canals often get a bad rap, but they offer numerous benefits:

  • Pain Relief: Root canals alleviate the intense pain caused by tooth infections or damage.
  • Tooth Preservation: The procedure allows you to keep your natural tooth, which is essential for maintaining proper chewing function and preventing surrounding teeth from shifting.
  • Improved Appearance: The crown used to restore the tooth’s appearance ensures your smile remains intact.
  • Efficient Chewing: Restored teeth allow you to chew food efficiently and comfortably.


Root canals, though often feared, are a vital dental procedure that can save your teeth and relieve you from pain and discomfort. With the expertise of Dr. Oleg Borshch and Dr. Diana Krinker at Omni Dental Care in Brooklyn, NY, you can trust that your root canal experience will be as smooth and painless as possible. Don’t let myths and misconceptions hold you back from seeking the dental care you need. If you suspect you might need a root canal, reach out to Omni Dental Care at (718) 376-8656 to schedule an appointment. Your smile and oral health are worth it!